Multilingual Learners: Knowing Your Students and Research Podcast Episode
SRI’s director of Multilingual Learner Program Area, Carrie Parker, co-hosted this episode and shares reflections from work she has done over the last five years to better understand how teachers in grades K-3 identify disabilities ...

Unpacking the Relationship Between Classroom Teacher Characteristics and Time to English Learner Reclassification
Reclassification is a crucial outcome for English learner (EL) students’ academic progress. Though ELs spend a large portion of their academic time with general education teachers, we know little about the role general education teachers ...

Consejos para Abordar Problemas Sociales Actuales (What to Say When Tragedy Strikes)
Nosotros en SRI Education estamos profundamente tristes y preocupados por las guerras, la violencia y la destrucción climática que se extiende sobre el mundo ...

Newcomer Wellness Initiative 2019-20 Evaluation Report
This report shares findings from a survey conducted with Newcomer students, defined as individuals attending schools in the United States for three years or less and who speak a language other than English at home, ...

Think Forward New England: Profiles of Innovation | Margarita Muñiz Academy
Margarita Muñiz Academy in Boston, MA, was founded in 2012 with the mission of providing full cultural and linguistic fluency in Spanish and English for all of its students. The school’s development of its "Portrait ...

Schools supporting multilingual learners
We spoke with teachers and administrators in three New England districts with large numbers of multilingual learners about how the pandemic influenced student learning and teaching practice last year ...

Research to Practice Brief: Delivering on the Promise Through Equitable Policies
This brief focuses on current research trends and implications for racial and ethnic disparities related to early childhood. It highlights policy choices to reduce disparities and set children and families on more favorable trajectories, contributing ...

Taking Away Excuses to Quit: The Role of Supports in Completion and Learning in Online Professional Development for Teachers
Extending prior research that explores the relationship between contextual factors, engagement, and learning in online settings, this mixed-methods study examines outcomes in a MOOC designed for teachers of English learners (ELs). The study identifies structural ...

Resources for Determining Special Education Eligibility of English Learners
From 2017 to 2020, REL Northeast & Islands staff worked with state and local partners in the region to learn about the policies and practices they use to identify disabilities among English learners and to ...

Examining Bilingual Programs and Policies
This blog introduces a series of policy briefs that were developed in collaboration with the New Jersey Department of Education to better understand the state of bilingual education across the country, potential strategies to address ...

Virgin Islands Project Supports All Educators in Instructing English Learners
This blog describes a two-year project in collaboration with the Virgin Islands Department of Education to ensure that all educators have access to best practices for English learners. View Resource Citation: Parker, C.E. (2021). Virgin ...

Bilingual Education Across the United States
In this brief, the authors define some of the key terms in bilingual education and then provide an overview of the different state policies for the provision of bilingual education to English learners. View Resource ...

Addressing the Bilingual Teacher Shortage
In this brief, the authors share strategies that can help mitigate bilingual teacher shortages and provide considerations for state and district leaders who are interested in addressing these shortages. View Resource Citation: Torre Gibney, D., ...

Leveraging Flexible Teacher Certification Policies to Address the Bilingual Teacher Shortage
In this brief, the authors share strategies that state education agencies may use to provide more flexibility in teacher certification policies and thereby mitigate bilingual teacher shortages, including: 1) providing educators multiple pathways to certification, ...

Bilingual Education: Lessons from Washington State
In this brief, the authors describe Washington state’s approach to bilingual education and detail the ways in which state leaders have leveraged policy and funding to expand access to it. They also offer specific policy ...

Identifying Learning Disabilities Among English Learners
Many teachers struggle with recognizing when their English learner students have disabilities. This video describes REL Northeast & Islands' work with Connecticut to support educators in improving instruction for English learners. View Resource Citation: Regional ...

Determining Special Education Eligibility of English Learners
This practioner brief describes four districts are using key practices to identify disabilities among English learners ...

Supporting Educators in Determining Special Education Eligibility of English Learner Students
A slide deck with a summary of key practices using multi-tiered systems of support with English learners, including tools for understanding language vs. disability, screening and progress monitoring processes and tools, and a description of ...

Effective Practice-Based Coursework for Dual Language Educators: A California Equity-Minded Early Childhood Approach
This article describes the 18-month project focused on teacher preparation courses in higher education to promote practice-based learning while earning transferable upper-division undergraduate academic units. View Resource Citation: Oliva-Olson, C. & Arambula-Gonzales, A. (2021). Effective ...

The pathway to academic success: Scaling up a text-based analytical writing intervention for Latinos and English learners in secondary school.
This study reports findings from a multisite cluster randomized controlled trial designed to validate and scale up an existing successful professional development program that uses a cognitive strategies approach to text-based analytical writing called Pathway ...