Supporting Multilingual Learners: Insights from Elisa Garcia, Principal Education Researcher
Meet Elisa Garcia, a Principal Education Researcher and Senior Manager in SRI's Education Division. In this interview, we delve into her current work, what led her to this role, and her insights on how we ...

CCNetwork: Supporting Pathways to Multilingualism
The National Comprehensive Center, funded by the US Department of Education, partners with educational agencies to improve instructional quality, promote the use of evidence-based practices, and improve educational outcomes for all students ...

SRI research finds mobile messaging helps parents increase family quality time
The sheer volume of parenting advice resources available—websites, books, magazine articles, shows, social media channels—have long demonstrated the need for information that parents and caregivers can use to raise happy, healthy children ...

Podcast on Multilingual Learners: Knowing Your Students and Research
SRI Education’s Carrie Parker sat down with Ruchika Chopra of the Urban Collaborative to discuss Carrie’s research and reflections on policies and practices around identifying and supporting multilingual learners with disabilities in kindergarten to third ...

5 cosas que todos en las escuelas deberían saber acerca de la prevención del suicidio (5 Things that Everyone in Schools Should Know about Suicide Prevention)
Con el surgimiento de la pandemia de COVID-19, hemos visto un aumento significativo en los síntomas de problemas de salud mental entre los jóvenes en edad escolar ...

For English Learner Students’ Reclassification, Effective Teachers Matter
Reclassification from English learner to English proficient is a crucial outcome for English learner (EL) students’ academic progress because it can open the door to more rigorous courses and lead to stronger academic outcomes ...

Bilingual Education Research: How to connect in a culturally relevant way with Spanish speaking families
When I arrived in the United States, I was not quite eight, and did not know how to even say “hello” in English. All I knew was that education was my opportunity to live a ...

A move towards multilingual: why this term is better than others [for now]
The language we use affects the way we perceive our world. Language can help create new understandings and expand our view of what exists and what is possible, and it also can limit our understanding ...

Valuing and evaluating an único bilingual professional development program – BBILY
We're evaluating BBILY, an online PD program focused on biliteracy, culturally and linguistically responsive learning, and evidence-based practices to support bilingual students ...

Consejos para Abordar Problemas Sociales Actuales (What to Say When Tragedy Strikes)
Nosotros en SRI Education estamos profundamente tristes y preocupados por las guerras, la violencia y la destrucción climática que se extiende sobre el mundo ...

How empowered do multilingual students with disabilities feel to make their own choices?
In a recent descriptive study of high school students who are multilingual learners (MLs) with disabilities, SRI researchers found that these students attribute fewer self-determination behaviors to themselves than MLs without disabilities or students who ...

Educators talk about identifying disabilities among multilingual learners
Many teachers struggle with identifying disabilities among multilingual learners. How can they determine whether a particular child’s learning difficulties stem from typical English language development or a diagnosable learning disability? ...

Introducing the SRI Education Multilingual Learner Program
Welcome! We are excited to present our work focused on expanding educational opportunities for culturally and linguistically diverse learners ...