The educator and developer’s toolkit are based on insights from the findings of the National Study of English Learners and Digital Learning Resources conducted by the U.S. Department of Education, Policy and Program Studies Service, on behalf of the Office of English Language Acquisition and the Office of Educational Technology. The Educator Toolkit aims to support educators in using technology to help their English learners gain proficiency in English and meet academic goals. The Developer Toolkit aims to help developers design educational technology that is useful for English learners.
Project Leaders: Phil Vahey, Daniela Torre-Gibney, Kaily Yee
Funder: U.S. Department of Education
Years: 2015 – 2019
Related Resource: Supporting English Learners through Technology: What Districts and Teachers Say about Digital Learning Resources for English Learners Volume I: Final Report
Topics: Elementary English language development High school Middle school Project STEM Technical assistance