Category: Peer review

Resource: Taking Away Excuses to Quit: The Role of Supports in Completion and Learning in Online Professional Development for Teachers

Extending prior research that explores the relationship between contextual factors, engagement, and learning in online settings, this mixed-methods study examines outcomes in a MOOC designed for teachers of English learners (ELs). The study identifies structural and social supports available to some course participants (release time, stipends, participating with colleagues, and having a facilitator who convened … Continue reading Taking Away Excuses to Quit: The Role of Supports in Completion and Learning in Online Professional Development for Teachers

Resource: The pathway to academic success: Scaling up a text-based analytical writing intervention for Latinos and English learners in secondary school.

This study reports findings from a multisite cluster randomized controlled trial designed to validate and scale up an existing successful professional development program that uses a cognitive strategies approach to text-based analytical writing called Pathway to Academic Success. Multilevel models revealed significant effects on a holistic measure of an on-demand writing assessment (d = .32) … Continue reading The pathway to academic success: Scaling up a text-based analytical writing intervention for Latinos and English learners in secondary school.

Resource: Postsecondary Education-Focused Transition Planning Experiences of English Learners With Disabilities

This study examined postschool expectations, transition planning experiences, and supports of a nationally representative sample of English learners with disabilities, based on secondary analysis of the National Longitudinal Transition Study (NLTS) 2012. Results demonstrated that these students’ experiences were similar to other students with disabilities except that, according to parents, the transition component of the … Continue reading Postsecondary Education-Focused Transition Planning Experiences of English Learners With Disabilities

Resource: Understanding their Language: Online Professional Development for teachers of ELLs

Understanding Language is a resource tool from Stanford University, created as a PD tool for teachers with ELLs. One of the things teachers who complete the courses report is courses have prompted them to incorportate formative assessments with a language lens and involve students in process. View Resource Citation: Rutherford-Quach, S., Kuo, A. C., & … Continue reading Understanding their Language: Online Professional Development for teachers of ELLs